Comprised of Grades 4-6, the intermediate department at Highroad Academy models and inspires in students a deep-rooted love for Jesus. Teachers work alongside students to help them pursue their own growing relationship with Jesus while letting His character positively affect their relationships with others. We offer a wide assortment of stimulating programs and activities, ranging from inquiry-based projects to core foundational programs. Our goal is to affirm students in their strengths and challenge them as they grow to become responsible, independent life-long learners.
Serving our community and building creativity are important aspects of school life for the intermediate department. Genius Hour is a program that allows students to explore their own passions and broaden their creativity in the classroom. Intermediate students are given time each week to explore a topic they are passionate about and design a project that extends their learning. Service and leadership opportunities can include participating in our composting program, service activities in the local community, hosting events like our annual Remembrance Day tea and assembly, and the exciting opportunity to participate in our chapel worship program.
“I love teaching at highroad because it's more than a job I go to everyday, it's a place where I get to be with people that i love, and families that I have relationship with, and kids that are amazing. It's a place where no matter what I know that I have love and support.”